P3 Simulations

Fundamentals: Toll Road Concession Project

Explore a P3 Project Through Interactive eSimulation

Travel through time and experience the types of events that typically take place during the building and exploitation phase of a P3 infrastructure contract.

Developed originally for the World Bank (PPIAF), eSimulation participants are taking an internship in the future through an action learning experience. Participants will have to manage the implementation of a fictional toll road concession in Kenya and will experience the workings of a PPP environment as well as the dynamics of an infrastructure project and understand what it takes to manage long-term PPP contracts.

This is the perfect opportunity to apply the information gained from our eP3 Fundamentals program.

This eSimulation consists of 4 sessions of 90 minutes each:

  • Day 1: Introduction
  • Day 2: 1990-1995
  • Day 3: 1995-2005
  • Day 4: 2005-2015 plus Project evaluation

The first day will be dedicated to familiarizing you with the eSimulation’s functionality and communication environment. The remaining 3 sessions will allow you to experience specific scenarios and real-life risks under the supervision of our PPP experts.

Register here


A series of contractual events take place during the game sessions, to which game participants must react and make decisions, with the support of expert facilitators. 

Participation in a workshop/game session offers hands-on training and capacity-building to both public and private practitioners with an opportunity to work as closely as possible on a real-life project over its lifespan.

The objective of this eSimulation is to provide the participants a clear understanding of risk-allocation and contract management in a PPP contract.

Participants, representing either the public or the private sectors, will be required to interpret the terms of the contract and collaborate to find a solution to complete assignments.

Target Audience

Any professional working on the initiation, development, contract management and implementation of a PPP project, from high-level decision makers to staff members.

Getting the opportunity to apply theory to a real-life setting will create a unique insight into the field of PPPs.

By registering for both the eP3 Fundamentals and the PPP Simulation (Fundamentals), participants will benefit from a new dimension in their learning experience.



Course Duration:
6 hours


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The CP3P logo is a registered trade mark of The APM Group Limited. All Rights Reserved. This course is offered in connection with our training partner Training Bytesize who are an Accredited Training Organisation Accredited by APMG International.